The Characters

We generated our characters using old school Traveller rules, roll in order for stats, 3d6 take the highest two. Equal points of GURPS be damned!!!

Oleg and Wes went with Pirate, Mike with Merchant, Donnie with Navy,

Scott and Ed tried to join the Marines and both failed the entry roll and were drafted into different careers.

Dave went with Noble, Ben with Law Enforcer, I tried Belter but failed the entry roll and was drafted into the Flyers.

Then we translated them into GURPS.

Stats: add three to each Traveller stat to find its GURPS equivalent (+1 to IQ if Education is A or B, +2 if C or D, +3 if E or F)

Skills: skill of 0 or 1 = stat, 2 = stat+2, 3 = stat+5.

QUIRKS were generated using a pretty cool GURPS NPC generator

Here is what they look like in Traveller stats


UPP: 979A99

Age: 26

Career: Pirate Terms: 2

Rank: Corporal (Rank 2)

HomeWorld: StarPort=B, Size=Small, Atmos=Standard, Hydro=Wet, Population=High, Law=Moderate, Tech=High Stellar


Battle Dress-1, Brawling-1, Intrusion-1, Navigation-1, Pilot-1, Sensor Ops-1, Computer-0, Grav Vehicle-0, Laser Weapons-0, Vacc Suit-0

Benefits: Low Passage, Middle Passage, Advanced Combat Rifle


UPP: 7A78B8

Age: 34

Career: Pirate Terms: 4

Rank: None

HomeWorld: StarPort=B, Size=Medium, Atmos=Dense, Hydro=Dry, Population=Med, Law=Moderate, Tech=Average Stellar

Skills: Foil-3, Brawling-2, Pilot-2, Engineering-1, Streetwise-1, Computer-0, Grav Vehicle-0, Rifleman-0, Vacc Suit-0

Benefits: Low Passage, Advanced Combat Rifle



Age: 26

Career: Law Enforcer Terms: 2

Rank: Detective (Rank 1)

HomeWorld: StarPort=A, Size=Medium, Atmos=Dense, Hydro=Wet, Population=High, Law=Moderate, Tech=High Stellar

Skills: Forensic-2, Streetwise-2, Advanced Combat Rifle-1, Intrusion-1, Leader-1, Computer-0, Grav Vehicle-0, Laser Weapons-0

Benefits: Advanced Combat Rifle


UPP: A947F6

Age: 46

Career: Merchant Terms: 7

Rank: Captain (Rank 5)

HomeWorld: StarPort=B, Size=Medium, Atmos=Standard, Hydro=Wet, Population=Low, Law=Low, Tech=Average Stellar

Skills: Advanced Combat Rifle-3, Medical-3, Streetwise-3, Brawling-1, Bribery-1, Electronics-1, Foil-1, Gravitics-1, Handgun-1, Leader-1, Robot Ops-1, Ships Boat-1, Survival-1, Trader-1, Turret Weapons-1, Computer-0, Grav Vehicle-0, Laser Weapons-0, Vacc Suit-0

Pension: 14000 Cr/Year

Benefits: Low Passage (x2), Advanced Combat Rifle, Trader



Age: 22

Career: Navy Terms: 1

Rank: None

HomeWorld: StarPort=A, Size=Small, Atmos=Thin, Hydro=Wet, Population=Med, Law=Moderate, Tech=Average Stellar

Skills: Electronics-1, Forward Observer-1, Mechanical-1, Computer-0, Grav Vehicle-0, Laser Weapons-0, Vacc Suit-0

Benefits: Traveller's



Age: 26

Career: Noble Terms: 2

Rank: Baron (Rank 2)

HomeWorld: StarPort=A, Size=Medium, Atmos=Standard, Hydro=Water, Population=Med, Law=Low, Tech=High Stellar

Skills: Admin-1, Advanced Combat Rifle-1, Jack-of-all-Trades-1, Medical-1, Navigation-1, Robotics-1, Computer-0, Grav Vehicle-0, Laser Weapons-0

Benefits: Advanced Combat Rifle, Traveller's



Age: 42

Career: Sailor (Failed entry roll into Marines and was drafted as a sailor) Terms: 6

Rank: Captain (Rank 5)

HomeWorld: StarPort=C, Size=Medium, Atmos=Standard, Hydro=Wet, Population=High, Law=Moderate, Tech=Average Stellar

Skills: Brawling-3, Intrusion-2, Small Watercraft-2, Communications-1, Electronics-1, Forward Observer-1, Jack-of-all-Trades-1, Linguistics-1, Medical-1, Rifleman-1, Robot Ops-1, Sensor Ops-1, Ships Boat-1, Streetwise-1, Computer-0, Grav Vehicle-0, Laser Weapons-0

Pension: 12000 Cr/Year

Benefits: High Passage (x2), Advanced Combat Rifle, Traveller's


UPP: 6CD966

Age: 30

Career: Navy (also failed entry roll into Marines and drafted into the navy) Terms: 3

Rank: Ensign (Rank 1)

HomeWorld: StarPort=B, Size=Small, Atmos=Standard, Hydro=Wet, Population=Med, Law=Moderate, Tech=High Stellar

Skills: Electronics-1, Jack-of-all-Trades-1, Pilot-1, Rifleman-1, Tactics-1, Computer-0, Grav Vehicle-0, Laser Weapons-0, Vacc Suit-0

Benefits: Low Passage, Traveller's



Age: 38

Career: Flyer (Failed entry roll into Belters and drafted as a flyer) Terms: 5

Rank: Squadron Leader (Rank 3)

HomeWorld: StarPort=A, Size=Medium, Atmos=Standard, Hydro=Wet, Population=High, Law=High, Tech=High Stellar

Skills: Artisan-1, Brawling-1, Carousing-1, Helicopter-1, Instruction-1, Intrusion-1, Jack-of-all-Trades-1, Jet-propelled Aircraft-1, Medical-1, Pilot-1, Rifleman-1, Streetwise-1, Survival-1, Sword-1, Computer-0, Grav Vehicle-0, Vacc Suit-0

Pension: 10000 Cr/Year

Benefits: High Passage, Sword

Now lets see what that looks like in GURPS


Ex-Pirate (154 points)

Attributes: 120

ST 12 [20]

DX 10 [0]

IQ 14 [80]

HT 12 [20]

Secondary Characteristics:

Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.

HP 12 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 12 [0]

Basic Speed 5.5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]

Advantages: 13

Status 2 [10], Courtesy Rank [2], Drunken Fighting [1]

Disadvantages: 0


Quirks: -5

Terrified of medical officers [-1], Tries to fathom midgets [-1], Irrational fear of burn victims [-1], Refuses to get rid of his pirate tattoos [-1], Wary of old milk [-1]

Skills: 26

Navigation/TL10 (Space) (A) IQ [2]-14

Electronics Operation/TL10 (Sensors) (A) IQ [2]-14

Computer Operation/TL10 (E) IQ [1]-14

Computer Programing/TL10 (H) IQ [4]-14

Lockpicking/TL10 (A) IQ [2]-14

Knife (E) DX+2 [4]-12

Environmental Suit/TL10 (Battlesuit) (A) DX+1 [4]-11

Beam Weapons/TL10 (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-10

Brawling (E) DX [1]-10

Environmental Suit/TL10 (Vacc Suit) (A) Default+1 [1]-10

Piloting/TL10 (High-Performance Spacecraft) (A) DX [2]-10

Piloting/TL10 (Contragravity) (A) DX [2]-10



Mostly Reformed Pirate (154 points)

Attributes: 100

ST 10 [0]

DX 13 [60]

IQ 12 [40]

HT 10 [0]

Secondary Characteristics:

Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.

HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 10 [0]

Basic Speed 5.75 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]

Advantages: 8

Status 1 [5], Signature Gear (Rapier) [1], Weapon Bond (Rapier) [1], Suit Familiarity (Vacc Suit) [1]

Disadvantages: 0


Quirks: -5

Disgusted by step-sister [-1], Overvalues exotic plants [-1], Nauseated by unnecessary rhyming [-1], Entertained by siamese twins [-1], Avoids bones [-1]

Skills: 50

Rapier (A) DX+5 [16]-18

Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-15

Piloting/TL10 (High-Performance Spacecraft) (A) DX+2 [8]-15

Guns/TL10 (Rifle) (E) DX [1]-13

Fast Draw (Rapier) (E) DX [1]-13

Piloting/TL10 (Contragravity) (A) DX [2]-13

Engineering/TL10 (Spacecraft) (H) IQ [4]-12

Mechanic/TL10 (Spacecraft) (H) IQ [4]-12

Enviromental Suit/TL10 (Vacc Suit) (A) DX [2]-13

Computer Operation/TL10 (E) IQ [1]-12

Computer Programing/TL10 (H) IQ [4]-12

Spacer/TL10 (E) IQ [1]-12

Streetwise (A) IQ [2]-12



Detective (427 points <--- LOL)

Attributes: 370

ST 14 [40]

DX 17 [140]

IQ 17 [140]

HT 15 [50]

Secondary Characteristics:

Damage 1d/2d; BL 39 lbs.

HP 14 [0]; Will 17 [0]; Per 17 [0]; FP 15 [0]

Basic Speed 8 [0]; Basic Move 8 [0].

Advantages: 23

Courtesy Rank 1 (Detective) [1], Status 4 [20], Pistol-Fist (Beam Weapons) [1], Trademark Move (Pistol-Whip Throat Punch - Fast Draw Pistol at Skill 18 then Determined All Out Attack to the Neck for 1d Cr at Skill 18) [1]

Disadvantages: 0


Quirks: -5

Abhors genocide [-1], Opposed to exotic hats [-1], Tries to understand expensive rugs [-1], Really disturbed by salamanders [-1], Terrified of fat people [-1]

Skills: 40

Beam Weapons/TL10 (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [2]-18

Fast Draw (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [2]-18

Streetwise (A) IQ+2 [8]-19

Forensics/TL10 (H) IQ+2 [16]-19

Guns/TL10 (Rifle) (E) DX [1]-17

Computer Operation/TL10 (E) IQ [1]-17

Computer Programing/TL10 (H) IQ [4]-17

Piloting/TL10 (Contragravity) (A) DX [2]-17

Lockpicking/TL10 (A) IQ [2]-17

Streetwise (A) IQ [2]-17



Money Bags (298 points)

Attributes: 80

ST 13 [30]

DX 12 [40]

IQ 13 [60]

HT 7 [-30]

Secondary Characteristics:

Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 34 lbs.

HP 13 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 7 [0]

Basic Speed 4.75 [0]; Basic Move 4 [0]

Advantages: 101

Merchant Rank 5 (Free Trader Captain) [15], Healer 4 [40], Independent Income [10], Ship Patron (Beowulf) [36]

Disadvantages: 0


Quirks: -5

Obsessed with religious ritual [-1], Amused by crickets [-1], Really loves rail guns [-1], Despises sasquach [-1], Entertained by hygiene [-1]

Technique 4

Targeted Attack (Rifle/Head) (H) Rifle-2 [4] 15

Skills: 98

Streetwise (A) IQ+5 [20]-18

Diagnosis and Physician/TL10, both (H) IQ+5 [8]-18

Surgery/TL10 (VH) IQ+5 [12]-18

Guns/TL10 (Rifle) (E) DX+5 [16]-17

Guns/TL10 (Pistol) (E) Default+1 [1]-16

Leadership (A) IQ [2]-13

Survival (Arctic) (A) Per [2]-13

Fast-Talk (A) IQ [2]-13

Merchant (A) IQ [2]-13

Electronics Operation/TL10 (Security and Gravitics), both (A) IQ [2]-13

Computer Operation/TL10 (E) IQ [1]-13

Computer Programing/TL10 (H) IQ [4]-13

Mechanic/TL10 (Robotics) (A) IQ [2]-13

Computer Programing/TL10 (A.I.) (H) IQ [4]-13

Brawling (E) DX [1]-12

Rapier (A) DX [2]-12

Beam Weapons/TL10 (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-12

Gunner/TL10 (Beams) (E) DX [1]-12

Armory/TL10 (Small Arms) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12

Piloting/TL10 (Contragravity) (A) DX [2]-12

Environmental Suit/TL10 (Vacc Suit) (A) DX [2]-12



The Kid (228 points)

Attributes: 200

ST 10 [10]

DX 13 [60]

IQ 14 [80]

HT 15 [50]

Secondary Characteristics:

Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.

HP 10 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 15 [0]

Basic Speed 7 [0]; Basic Move 7 [0]

Advantages: 15

Social Status 2 [10], Contact (Traveller's Aid Society) [2], Signature Gear (TL10 Chainsaw) [1], Weapon Bond (Chainsaw) [1], Trademark Move (Determined All Out Attack to the Face with a Chainsaw for 2d Cut at Skill 14) [1]

Disadvantages: 0


Quirks: -5

Really afraid of ugly people [-1], Tries to love short women [-1], Adores falconry [-1], Approves of ex-cons [-1], Terrified of personality tests [-1]

Skills: 18

Mechanic/TL10 (High-Performance Spacecraft) (A) IQ [2]-14

Forward Observer/TL10 (A) IQ [2]-14

Electronics Operation/TL10 (Security) (A) IQ [2]-14

Computer Operation/TL10 (E) IQ [1]-14

Computer Programing/TL10 (H) IQ [4]-14

Beam Weapons/TL10 (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-13

Two-Handed Axe/Mace (A) DX [2]-13

Piloting/TL10 (Contragravity) (A) DX [2]-13

Enviromental Suit/TL10 (Vacc Suit) (A) DX [2]-13



The Baron (267 points)

Attributes: 200

ST 14 [40]

DX 14 [80]

IQ 13 [60]

HT 12 [20]

Secondary Characteristics:

Damage 1d/2d; BL 39 lbs.

HP 14 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 12 [0]

Basic Speed 6.5 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: 33

Status 4 [20], Contact (Traveller's Aid Society) [2], Jack-of-all-Trades 1 [10], Quick Reload (Magazine) [1]

Disadvantages: 0


Quirks: -5

Belittles squash [-1], Obsessed with teachers [-1], Stupified by chaos theory [-1], Fancies fancy shoes [-1], Likes virtual reality[-1]

Skills: 39

Guns/TL10 (Rifle) (E) DX+1 [2]-15

Fast Draw (Magazine) (E) DX [1]-14

Boxing (A) DX [2]-14

Beam Weapons/TL10 (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-14

Administration (A) IQ [2]-13

Navigation/TL10 (Space) (A) IQ [2]-13

Piloting/TL10 (Contragravity) (A) DX [2]-14

Diagnosis and Physician/TL10, both (H) IQ [4]-13

Surgery/TL10 (VH) IQ [8]-13

Computer Operation/TL10 (E) IQ [1]-13

Computer Programing/TL10 (H) IQ [4]-13

Mechanic/TL10 (Robotics) (A) IQ [2]-13

Computer Programing/TL10 (A.I.) (H) IQ [4]-13



Captain Doctor (296 points)

Attributes: 170

ST 6 [-40]

DX 13 [60]

IQ 17 [140]

HT 11 [10]

Secondary Characteristics:

Damage 1d-4/1d-3; BL 7.2 lbs.

HP 6 [0]; Will 17 [0]; Per 17 [0]; FP 11 [0]

Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]

Advantages: 54

Jack-of-all-Trades [10], Courtesy Rank 5 (Captain) [5], Social Status 3 [15], Wealthy [20], Independent Income [1], Contact (Traveller's Aid Society) [2], Off-Hand Weapon Training (Brawling) [1]

Disadvantages: 0


Quirks: -5

Big fan of body hair [-1], Hates red heads [-1], Insanely jealous of perfect teeth [-1], Scoffs at teachers [-1], Infatuated with celibacy [-1]

Techniques 4

Ear Clap (A) Brawling-1 [2] 17

Dual-Weapon Attack (Ear Clap) (H) Ear Clap-3 [2] 14

Skills: 73 (all skills at TL 10)

Lockpicking/TL10 (A) IQ+2 [8]-19

Brawling (E) DX+5 [16]-18

Streetwise (A) IQ [2]-17

Electronics Operation/TL10 (Comm, Security, and Sensors), all (A) IQ [2]-17

Forward Observer/TL10 (A) IQ [2]-17

Computer Programing, Diagnosis and Physician, all (H) IQ [4]-17

Surgery/TL10 (VH) IQ [8]-17

Computer Operation/TL10 (E) IQ [1]-17

Mechanic/TL10 (Robotics) (A) IQ [2]-17

Computer Programing/TL10 (A.I.) (H) IQ [4]-17

Boating/TL10 (Large Powerboat) (A) DX+2 [8]-15

Piloting/TL10 (Contragravity) (A) DX [2]-13

Beam Weapons/TL10 (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-13

Guns/TL10 (Rifle) (E) DX [1]-13



Ensign Lightning (222 points)

Attributes: 190

ST 9 [-10]

DX 15 [100]

IQ 12 [40]

HT 16 [60]

Secondary Characteristics:

Damage 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.

HP 9 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 16 [0]

Basic Speed 7.75 [0]; Basic Move 7 [0]

Advantages: 14

Jack-of-all-Trades [10], Courtesy Rank 3 (Ensign) [3], Off-Hand Weapon Training (Beam Weapons (Pistol)) [1]

Disadvantages: 0


Quirks: -5

Puzzled by celebrities [-1], Really attracted to bees [-1], Fascinated by frogs [-1], Scoffs at personality tests [-1], Approves of sentient AIs [-1]

Skills: 22

Beam Weapons/TL10 (Pistol) (E) DX+2 [4]-17

Fast Draw (Beam Weapons (Pistol)) (E) DX [1]-15

Guns/TL10 (Rifle) (E) DX [1]-15

Electronics Operation/TL10 (Security) (A) IQ [2]-12

Piloting/TL10 (High-Performance Spacecraft) (A) DX [2]-15

Piloting/TL10 (Contragravity) (A) DX [2]-15

Environmental Suit/TL10 (Vacc Suit) (A) DX [2]-15

Tactics (H) IQ [4]-12

Computer Operation/TL10 (E) IQ [1]-12

Computer Programing/TL10 (H) IQ [4]-12



Crop Duster (222 points)

Attributes: 160

ST 9 [-10]

DX 15 [100]

IQ 12 [40]

HT 13 [30]

Secondary Characteristics:

Damage 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.

HP 9 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 13 [0]

Basic Speed 7 [0]; Basic Move 7 [0].

Advantages: 21

Courtesy Rank 3 (Squadron Leader) [3], Jack-of-all-Trades 1 [10], Independent Income [5], Signature Gear (Rapier) [1], Weapon Bond (Rapier) [1], Trademark Move (All Out Attack (Determined) to the Eye with a Rapier for 1d-1 imp at Skill 13) [1]

Disadvantages: 0


Quirks: -5

Really wary of beautiful women [-1], Likes grenades [-1], Paranoid about baked beans [-1], Puzzled by scorpions [-1], Tries to like practical jokes but doesn't [-1]

Skills: 46

Rapier (A) DX+1 [4]-16

Guns/TL10 (Rifle) (E) DX [1]-15

Brawling (E) DX [1]-15

Piloting/TL10 (Helicopter, Jet, Contragravity, High-Performance Spacecraft), all (A) DX [2]-15

Environmental Suit/TL10 (Vacc Suit) (A) DX [2]-15

Carousing (E) HT [1]-13

Artist (Body Art) (H) IQ [4]-12

Diagnosis and Physician/TL10, both (H) IQ [4]-12

Surgery/TL10 (VH) IQ [8]-12

Computer Operation/TL10 (E) IQ [1]-12

Computer Programing/TL10 (H) IQ [4]-12

Streetwise (A) IQ [2]-12

Teaching (A) IQ [2]-12

Survival (Arctic) (A) Per [2]-12

OK, so what did we learn? That Ben is a lucky bastard (427 point character), and Oleg and Wes are not.
